Category Archives: Podcast

Yaruki Zero Podcast #13: Genres

Per multiple requests (notably from Clyde Roher and Jake Richmond), this episode starts off with some commentary on the different genres of anime and manga. From there I get into how genres work in general, and then how we view genres in role-playing games. This also kinda sorta marks a new “season” of the YKZ podcast, hence the new font in the title image and new theme song.

Yaruki Zero Podcast #13 (42 minutes, 44 seconds)

Show Notes

  1. Anime and Manga Genres
  2. Genre Cycles
  3. RPG Genres

This podcast uses selections from the song “Time Machine” by To-den from the Grünemusik album of the same name, available for free from If you like the song, consider buying some CDs from Nankado’s website or via Jamendo.

Very awesome caricature of Ewen courtesy of the talented C. Ellis.

Yaruki Zero Podcast #12: More Random Thoughts

Much like Episode 7, this time around I briefly talk about a number of different topics, notably Nechronica (Ryo Kamiya’s forthcoming game), A-Kon (an anime con I’ll be attending as a guest of honor), Neko Machi (the webcomic I write for), and Adventures of the Space Patrol (a game I’m working on).

Yaruki Zero Podcast #12 (40 minutes, 1 second)

Show Notes

  1. Nechronica: The Long, Long Epilogue is a forthcoming game by Maid RPG designer Ryo Kamiya.
  2. I’m going to be a guest at A-Kon 2010!
  3. Neko Machi, my webcomic
  4. Adventures of the Space Patrol is a game I’m working on currently, and nearly ready to playtest.

This podcast uses selections from the song “Click Click” by Grünemusik, available for free from If you like the song, consider buying some CDs from Nankado’s website.

Very awesome caricature of Ewen courtesy of the talented C. Ellis.


Yaruki Zero Podcast #11: RPGs For Anime Fans


In this episode I’m joined by Jake Richmond–one of the designers of Panty Explosion and other great games–to discuss anime fans as a potential market for RPGs. We discuss our experiences running games at anime conventions (particularly his experiences at Kumoricon in Portland, Oregon), and how best to design games that can appeal to anime fans.

Yaruki Zero Podcast #11 (46 minutes, 57 seconds)

Show Notes

  1. Introductions
  2. RPGs at Anime Cons
  3. Designing For Anime Fans

This podcast uses selections from the song “Click Click” by Grünemusik, available for free from If you like the song, consider buying some CDs from Nankado’s website.

Very awesome caricature of Ewen courtesy of the talented C. Ellis.


Yaruki Zero Podcast #10: Wild Blue Yonder


In this episode I’m joined again by my friend Jon Baumgardner to talk about Blue Ocean Strategy and how it might be applied to designing and marketing small-press RPGs.

Yaruki Zero Podcast #10 (43 minutes, 14 seconds)

Show Notes

  1. What is Blue Ocean Strategy?
  2. Innovating the Medium
  3. Innovating in Marketing
  4. Addendum: Overcoming Objections
  5. Any questions you’d like us to discuss in the future? Please comment!

This podcast uses selections from the song “Click Click” by Grünemusik, available for free from If you like the song, consider buying some CDs from Nankado’s website.


Yaruki Zero Podcast #9: Everyday Magic


In this podcast I give an overview of a talk between Ryo Kamiya (designer of Maid RPG and Yuuyake Koyake) and South (current publisher of Witch Quest) about “everyday magic” RPGs that appeared in a doujinshi they collaboratively produced called “Doko ni Demo Aru Fushigi.” They discuss the challenges of heartwarming, nonviolent RPGs.

Yaruki Zero Podcast #9 (20 minutes, 9 seconds)

  1. Introduction
  2. Games Without Combat
  3. Assembling Scenarios
  4. Conventions & Catharsis
  5. The Limitations of Classes/System Does Matter
  6. Kamiya’s Early RPG Experiences
  7. A Fantasy Countryside

This podcast uses selections from the song “Click Click” by Grünemusik, available for free from If you like the song, consider buying some CDs from Nankado’s website.

Very awesome caricature of Ewen courtesy of the talented C. Ellis.


Yaruki Zero Podcast #8: Subcultural Contexts


In this episode I talk about the referential nature of geek subcultures, and how that affects and can be used by role-playing games. Nerds naturally reference stuff, and use that to communicate better by generating a shared subculture. The question is, how can RPGs take full advantage of that, in both play and design? This is another solo episode, because in some ways I like doing those better, despite the fact that it’s harder to come up with good topics for them.

Yaruki Zero Podcast #8 (42 minutes, 17 seconds)

Show Notes

  1. Introduction
  2. Intertextuality of Geek Subcultures
  3. Big Setting Games
  4. Otaku Culture
  5. Using and Creating Subcultural Contexts

This podcast uses selections from the song “Click Click” by Grünemusik, available for free from If you like the song, consider buying some CDs from Nankado’s website.

Very awesome caricature of Ewen courtesy of the talented C. Ellis.



Of Podcasts
As I alluded to before, I’ve decided to slow down the podcasting a bit, not that I ever had much of a schedule to speak of. I’m slowly setting up a couple more interviews, but I have more than enough other stuff going on at the moment.

However, WalkerP over at The RPG Haven has started up a podcast of his own. The first episode, an interview with Cynthia Celeste Miller (of Spectrum Games), just went online today.

More on Raspberry Heaven
As you might have surmised, I’m gearing up to start playtesting Raspberry Heaven, and having entirely too much fun preparing the materials for it. I printed and cut out two sets of quirk cards, and even made a (flimsy) box for them. There was also a short thread on the game on Story Games, where it was pointed out (not for the first time) that the text doesn’t make it clear enough that the characters are all schoolgirls; I’m working on fixing that now.

I’m also working on scripts for 4-koma comics to put in the book, but I’m not having any luck finding an artist to hire who can actually draw 4-panel comics with screen tone. I may have to look into getting someone from Japan, something I’ve been wanting to figure out how to do anyway.

Yaruki Zero Podcast #7: Random Thoughts

In this episode I talk briefly about a variety of different topics that have been on my mind.

  1. PDFs and Piracy
  2. Randomness and Cinematic Role-Playing
  3. Oban Star-Racers
  4. Grognardia: Genre Bending
  5. Raspberry Heaven Design Notes
  6. The “Pink Panther” is what you get when you put a scoop of strawberry ice cream into lemon-lime soda.

Yaruki Zero Podcast #7 (32 minutes, 26 seconds)

Next Time
I haven’t decided what to do next. ^_^;

This podcast uses selections from the song “Click Click” by Grünemusik, available for free from If you like the song, consider buying some CDs from Nankado’s website.

Very awesome caricature of Ewen (with his mascot character Kurumi) courtesy of the talented C. Ellis.


Yaruki Zero Podcast #6: Marketing Anime RPGs


jon5In this episode I’m joined my by longtime friend Jon Baumgardner. He’s worked at several different companies doing marketing and brand management for anime, and I brought him on to talk about marketing techniques for small-press/indie RPGs, and for marketing to anime fans.

There’s a bird cooing in the background in some parts. I don’t feel like re-recording. Meow.

Yaruki Zero Podcast #6 (50 minutes, 37 seconds)

Show Notes

  1. Introductions
  2. What is marketing?
  3. Small-Scale Marketing
  4. Selling an Experience
  5. Marketing to Anime Fans
  6. Specific Techniques
  7. Addendum: New Millennium Currencies

Next Time
The next episode will be “Random Thoughts”, another solo podcast, where I’ll talk briefly about several different topics that have been on my mind.

This podcast uses selections from the song “Click Click” by Grünemusik, available for free from If you like the song, consider buying some CDs from Nankado’s website.

Somewhat embarrassing but very awesome caricature of Ewen courtesy of the talented C. Ellis.


(For an added bonus, I recorded a piece on Dragonball Evolution for Anime Confessions.)

Yaruki Zero Podcast #5: Japanese RPGs (Part 2)


In the second half of my discussion of Japanese RPGs with Andy Kitkowski, we talk about indie/doujin TRPGs, some neat games we’ve seen, and localization issues. Also, for whatever reason the mp3 file worked out to be precisely 40 minutes.

Yaruki Zero Podcast #4 (40 minutes)

Show Notes

Next Time
Next time I’ll be joined by my longtime friend Jon Baumgarder to talk about marketing for small-press/indie RPGs and to anime fans.

Andy and I will definitely be talking about Japanese RPGs more in the future, so please feel free to let me know about any other topics you might want to hear more about.

This podcast uses selections from the song “Click Click” by Grünemusik, available for free from If you like the song, consider buying some CDs from Nankado’s website.
