Fiasco: The Knights of Light

Yes, another Fiasco playset. I have another in progress too, though I’m trying to get started on a Parsely game too.

This one is about the members of a small local guild in an extremely popular MMORPG. It is of course heavily inspired by The Guild. It couldn’t really find any other works about MMO players, but a Google search for “guild drama” provided plenty more inspiration, specially the Drama Mamas column on WoW Insider.

The playset is a little bit non-standard in that (1) when setting up a scene you declare whether it’s IRL or online (so there can be scenes entirely in the game, or that consist of narrating angry forum posts), and (2) I’ve replaced the Locations table with an Events one (which if you’re feeling adventurous you can also use during the Tilt).

The Knights of Light Fiasco Playset (PDF)

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